Everyone wishes to live healthily, but only a few people live in good health.
This shows that living healthily is more than wishful thinking. You have to take deliberate steps if you’re going to be able to maintain your health. One of the most crucial ways to enjoy good health is by eating healthy diets. This section will highlight and explore some healthy diet hacks that can help you in this regard.
Reduce Carb Intake
Sugars and grains from which fiber and other nutrients have been removed are called refined carbs. Examples include pasta and white flour. These foods are digested quickly and are low in fiber. Therefore, they only keep you full for a short period. You’ll soon desire to eat more not long after eating them.
Instead of them, choose sources of complex carbohydrates such as oats, veggies like carrots, or ancient grains like barley and quinoa. These options contain more nutrients and will keep you fuller for longer periods.
Shop with a List
Many people are fond of buying unhealthy foods impulsively.
You can reduce the chance of doing this by shopping with a list. When you have a list with a specific budget, you’ll only buy the things you need.
So, it’s very likely that you will stick with the healthy items on your list instead of sporadic and unplanned spending.
Limit your Consumption of Sodas and Milkshakes
Sodas and milkshakes are renowned for making people gain excess weight.
So, it’s in your best interest to reduce the way you consume them.
Nonetheless, there are less known substances that can have the same effect.
For example, drinks that are advertised for their ability to boost athletic performance can make you put on more weight.
Coffee beverages, sports drinks, and flavored waters are also not safe because they contain excess sugar and artificial colorings. They are often very high in calories, making them risky to your health. Strangely, even juice, which is often promoted as a beneficial beverage, can make you gain weight if you don’t control the way you take it.
So, hydrating with water is your best bet to stay healthy and maintain your shape.
Have Protein-Rich Breakfasts
Many people have been misled regarding the role of eggs in the body. Some individuals wrongly assume that consuming more eggs will make them fatter. Protein-rich foods like eggs can make a lot of difference if you include
them in your breakfast.
According to experts, consuming these foods in the morning enables you to stay healthy and cut down excess weight. All you need to do is to swap your daily bowl of cereal for a protein-loaded scramble made with eggs and sautéed vegetables.
It is a remarkably effective way to shed pounds.
Consume High-Fiber Foods
Healthy foods such as fruits, vegetables, beans, and whole grains contain fibers. Researchers have discovered that consuming fiber-rich foods will not only help you to lose weight; it will also help you stay in shape. The good news is that adding more fibers to your meal isn’t a challenging task.
It’s as simple as adding beans to your salad, snacking fiber-rich nuts, or eating oats for breakfast.
Eat More Fruits and Vegetables
The nutrients and fibers your body craves are present in vegetables. Besides, investigators have confirmed that consuming vegetables can help you stay healthy and lose weight. Studies have also proven that consuming salad can
make you feel full, thereby reducing your craving for more food.
Moreover, scientists have discovered that filling up veggies all day long can help you to maintain a healthy weight. It also reduces the risk of developing diabetes, heart disease, and other chronic diseases.
Therefore, it’s in your best interest to be more deliberate regarding including vegetables and fruits into your meals daily.
The short-term and long-term benefits are worth it when you choose to do it.
Avoid Excess Sugar
Sugar, especially the one for sweet drinks, is one of the major reasons for excess weight gain. It’s also linked to health issues such as heart disease and diabetes.
Besides, foods like soda, candy, and baked goods contain a lot of added sugars and very low in nutrients needed by the body. It’s in your best interest to cut out foods that are high in added sugars because it can help you to lose weight and stay healthy. Note that some organic foods can be incredibly high in sugar.
Therefore, endeavor to read nutrition labels before consuming any food.
Consume More Healthy Fats
It is common to make fat the first thing you want to reduce when trying to lose weight.
Yet, healthy fats can actually help you to slim down. In fact, several studies have proven that a high-fat diet that has food such as
avocados, olive oil, and nuts can help to optimize weight loss.
Besides, fats make you feel fuller, thereby reducing the craving for more food. So, consuming healthy fats can help you to stay on track while maintaining your weight and health.
Eat More Home-Made Foods
If you know how to cook, you have a skill that can help you eat healthily and avoid gaining excess weight. Research has proven that home-made meals help you to stay healthy and promote weight loss. There’s no doubt that you
will have a great time when you eat at a nice restaurant.
However, restaurants are set up to scintillate your taste bud rather than keep you healthy.
Therefore, you are doing yourself a lot of good by cooking your meals. You’ll have control over the choice of ingredients, allowing you to choose healthy ones that will enable you to prioritize your health. Besides, it helps you to save more money, especially if you are on a relatively low budget.
Walk More
Your automobile is meant to be a blessing that will cut down your stress level.
Nonetheless, if you’re not careful, you might get used to it and become lazy.
You don’t have to drive everywhere. Walk when the distance isn’t too far to exercise your muscles. Walking is a fantastic way to lose weight without going through strenuous routines. According to scientists, thirty minutes of walking per day can help you lose weight tremendously in the long run.
Moreover, it’s an effortless and enjoyable activity you can have indoors or outdoors.
Focus on your Food When Eating
When consuming food without thinking about what you’re doing, you will not get the best out of the experience. Still, that’s not the only problem.
Another issue that comes with being distracted when you’re eating is that you might consume more calories than required, leading to weight gain. So, avoid eating while watching a movie or sitting with your computer. Eat at the dining table so that you can have control over the quantity you’re consuming.
Scrolling through emails on your smartphone while eating is also a habit you should discard to ensure that you concentrate on your meal
Did you know that an estimated 1 billion people worldwide have low levels of Vitamin D in their blood?
And did you know that Vitamin D isn’t really a Vitamin at all?
It’s a prohormone—and prohormones are substances that your body will convert into a hormone. And because of that, unlike vitamins, every cell in your body has a receptor for it.
This also means that it must be broken down from the initial form into a form your body can use. Vitamin D is then circulated throughout the body and in turn, it serves many important functions.
This so-called “vitamin” is essential in many of your body’s functions, especially your skeletal system because it supports bone growth and promotes muscle health.
In this special report, we’ll take a close look at why Vitamin D is essential, the causes of Vitamin D deficiency—as well as symptoms you should look out for—and what you can do to make sure you are getting enough.
Why You Need Vitamin D
Vitamin D is essential for strong bones, especially as we grow older. It helps your body take calcium from the blood and use it to produce and repair bone and muscle tissue.
It also helps your body regulate calcium levels in the blood.
The most common type of Vitamin D deficiency, of course, is rickets. This is a childhood condition in which bone tissue never mineralizes properly, and the bones become soft and deformed.
However, modern research has been revealing many other health problems that proper Vitamin D levels can help protect against. We’ll talk about those later in this report.
Vitamin D also helps with the immune system. Immune cells have a receptor for Vitamin D and can synthesize the active Vitamin D metabolite or hormone, so there’s a definite connection between them.
A deficiency in Vitamin D is often associated with increased autoimmune disorders like multiple sclerosis or rheumatoid arthritis. If you have enough Vitamin D in your blood, your immune system will work as designed to keep you from coming down with infections or autoimmune disorders.
Finally, Vitamin D helps the parathyroid gland, which is the one that regulates the amount of calcium in the blood.
Vitamin D helps communication between the intestines, kidneys, and skeleton so that your calcium levels are appropriate. If you have enough calcium in your blood, Vitamin D will help your body use that to form and strengthen your bones.
However, if you don’t have enough calcium, or if the Vitamin D levels are low, the parathyroid gland “borrows” it from the skeleton, weakening your bones.
Causes of Vitamin D Deficiency
There are several reasons why you may be struggling with a Vitamin D deficiency. In fact, as mentioned in that the start of this report, over 1-billion people are Vitamin D deficient.
Unfortunately, it isn’t always easy to detect, especially if you aren’t familiar with the symptoms. Let’s take a quick look at some of the reasons why this can happen:
You don’t eat the kind of foods that support the development of Vitamin D.
Most of these foods are animal-based, like fish and fish oils, beef liver, egg yolks, and fortified milk products.
If you’re vegan, of course you don’t eat these foods, so you’re likely to suffer from a Vitamin D deficiency unless you consume supplements to make up for it.
Your skin color is very dark.
The pigment (melanin) that makes your skin tan or dark reduces your skin’s ability to form Vitamin D when exposed to sunlight. So, the darker your skin, the less likely it is to make Vitamin D even if you sunbathe.
Your sunlight exposure is limited.
Since your skin only makes Vitamin D when exposed to sunlight, you may be likely to have a deficiency if you don’t frequently go outside.
If you’re homebound, for example, or work in a job that prevents sun exposure, you are at greater risk.
Living in northern latitudes can also do it, as can wearing long robes and head coverings for religious reasons.
Smog or pollution can prevent you from getting enough sunlight. Even the season and time of day matters. Sunlight is strongest between 10:00 am and 3:00 pm. And if you like somewhere like Cleveland, Ohio, you’re not getting UV-B light for six months out of the year due to the ozone layer and position of the sun.
Your digestive tract is unable to absorb Vitamin D or dietary fat. Some medical conditions, like Crohn’s disease, celiac disease, and cystic fibrosis, can limit your intestine’s ability to actually absorb the Vitamin D you’ve consumed. Since it’s a fat-soluble vitamin, this holds true for absorbing dietary fat as well.
Your kidneys cannot convert Vitamin D to its active form.
As we age, our kidneys slow down, reducing your ability to convert Vitamin D into the active form your body needs. Kidney disease or damage can do the same thing, leading to Vitamin D deficiency.
You are obese.
Fat cells extract Vitamin D from the blood, changing its release into circulation. If your body mass index is 30 or greater, you may be at serious risk for Vitamin D deficiency.
You’ve had weight loss surgery.
Surgeries that reduce the size of the stomach or bypass sections of the digestive system can make it very hard to consume adequate amounts of Vitamin D, along with other vitamins and minerals.
You’ll need to be carefully monitored by your doctor and will probably need to take Vitamin supplements for the rest of your life.
You take certain medications.
There are several medications that can cause Vitamin D deficiency.
These include laxatives, which (obviously) result in Vitamin D and other nutrients being flushed out of the digestive system before they are absorbed and steroids, which reduce calcium absorption and impair Vitamin D metabolism.
Cholesterol-lowering drugs like statins and colestipol (and oral cholesterol-lowering drug) can reduce Vitamin D synthesis because Vitamin D is derived from cholesterol.
Seizure control drugs like phenytoin and phenobarbital and rifampin (a tuberculosis drug) have also been known to affect Vitamin D levels. And orlistat (a weight-loss drug), can reduce Vitamin D absorption.
Additionally, thiazide diuretics like hydrochlorothiazide (HCTZ) and indapamide decrease urinary calcium excretion, so combining these drugs with Vitamin D supplements might cause hypercalcemia.
You’re an older adult.
As we age, our skin’s ability to make Vitamin D from sunlight is lessened. Our kidneys also slow down, so you may have enough Vitamin D in your blood, but your kidneys just can’t change it into an active form your body can use.
Symptoms of Vitamin D Deficiency
There aren’t a whole lot of reliable symptoms of this deficiency, which is why you should have your doctor do a blood test yearly as you age, or if you fit into one of the above categories.
Here are some things you can look for:
Chronic exhaustion, especially if you fit into one of the above categories, is one of the first symptoms of vitamin D deficiency.
If you’re tired all day, have your doctor check your blood levels (there are also other conditions that cause fatigue, though).
Muscle aches, weakness, or cramps.
In one scientific study, 71% of patients with chronic pain were found to have vitamin D deficiency.
The vitamin D receptor is found in certain cells called nociceptors, which sense pain. One study in rats showed that a deficiency in vitamin D led to pain and sensitivity.
And a few human studies have shown that taking vitamin D supplements have helped people with chronic pain. Remember that aches and pains are your body’s way of signaling there’s something wrong.
Bone and lower back pain.
This would be a sign that you have a severe deficiency or have been deficient for a very long time. Pain results from a huge loss of calcium from the bone tissue, which takes time to develop. See your doctor at once.
Getting frequent infections.
Vitamin D directly interacts with the cells in your body that are responsible for fighting infection. Scientific studies have shown a link between low vitamin D levels and respiratory tract infections like colds, bronchitis, influenza, and pneumonia.
If you find yourself getting sick often, have your doctor check your vitamin D levels.
Slow wound healing.
Test-tube studies suggest that vitamin D increases the levels of compounds in your body that are responsible for forming new skin during wound healing.
It was also found that people with lower vitamin D levels are more likely to have higher levels of inflammatory markers that can get in the way of proper healing.
If you notice you’re not healing well from a wound or surgery, have your doctor check your vitamin D levels.
Mood changes like depression.
Scientists don’t exactly know why vitamin D is associated with depression, but many depressed patients also have low vitamin D levels. The good news is, when you rectify the deficiency, the depression is also lessened a bit.
Hair loss.
Hair loss in women has been linked to low vitamin D levels, but there is little scientific research on this to date.
An autoimmune disease called alopecia areata causes severe hair loss from the head and other parts of the body. This disease is associated with rickets, which we already said was a symptom of severe vitamin D deficiency in children.
Low vitamin D levels may be a risk factor for the disease so have your doctor check your levels if you’re losing hair.
How a Deficiency Affects You
The reality is, if your body isn’t producing sufficient levels of Vitamin D, it can wreak havoc on your system.
This includes:
Heart Disease and High Blood Pressure:
A growing number of scientific studies are pointing to vitamin D deficiency as a risk factor for heart attacks, congestive heart failure, peripheral arterial disease (PAD), stokes, and high blood pressure. Vitamin D is known to help regulate blood pressure in the kidneys as well.
Bone Disorders and Osteoporosis:
Your bones are constantly being remodeled. However, as you age (especially if you’re a woman during menopause) the breakdown rates exceed bone buildup rates. Over time, bone density declines.
Osteoporosis is one effect of long-term calcium and/or vitamin D deficiency. Bones also depend on the surrounding muscles for strength, and vitamin D is needed for proper growth and development of muscle tissue
Vitamin D helps your body regulate the amount of blood sugar levels in the pancreas. It also helps improve your body’s sensitivity to insulin, which is the hormone your body makes to regulate your blood sugar levels.
Vitamin D can thus prevent insulin resistance, which can lead to diabetes.
Before modern antibiotics were invented, some infections (like tuberculosis) were treated by having the patient get plenty of sunlight and take cod liver oil daily.
Several studies have shown a relationship between vitamin D deficiency and an increase in infections.
Autoimmune Disorders:
There is increasing evidence linking low levels of vitamin D in the body with some autoimmune disorders like multiple sclerosis (MS), rheumatoid arthritis (RA), inflammatory bowel disease, and systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE).
Patients with these disorders usually have lower levels of vitamin D than patients without an autoimmune disorder.
Certain Types of Cancer:
Vitamin D helps to keep abnormal cells from multiplying in breast and colon tissues, which can help prevent and maybe even treat breast and colon cancer, and possibly prostate cancer as well.
Pregnancy Complications.
A 2019 study showed a link between low vitamin D in pregnant women and the risk of preeclampsia and giving birth early. There may also be a link with gestational diabetes.
And women with low vitamin D are more likely to get bacterial vaginosis during pregnancy.
However, it’s important to note that getting too much vitamin D may be associated with an increased risk of the child developing food allergies in the first two years of life.
Foods that Contain Vitamin D
Modern science often adds vitamins and/or minerals to processed foods. For example, Vitamin D is added to most dairy products and some grains.
But most vitamin D is found in animal products like fatty fish (tuna, salmon, mackerel) and beef liver.
Take a closer look at the levels in different foods and supplements;
- Cod Liver Oil – 1360 International Units (IU) per tablespoon.
- Cooked Trout – 645 IU in three ounces
- Cooked Swordfish – 566 IU in three ounces
- Cooked Salmon – 447 IU in three ounces
- Mushrooms (white, raw, sliced & exposed to UV light) – 366 IU in ½ cup
- Tuna (canned in water & drained) – 154 IU in three ounces
- Fortified Orange Juice – 137 IU in one cup
- Fortified Milk – 115 to 124 IU in one cup
- Fortified Soy, Almond, or Oat Milk – 100 to 144 IU in one cup
- Fortified Yogurt – 80 IU in six ounces
- Sardines (caned in oil & drained) – 46 IU in two sardines
- Scrambled Egg – 44 IU in one large egg
- Cooked Beef Liver – 42 IU in three ounces
- Egg Yolk – 41 IU in one large yolk
- Fortified Cereal – 40 IU in one cup
- Cheddar Cheese – 12 IU in one ounce
- Swiss Cheese – 6 IU in one ounce
- Portabella Mushrooms – 4 IU in ½ cup
- Fruits & Vegetables – 0 IU
- Grains & Cereals – 0 IU
As you can see, certain animal products contain more vitamin D than other foods.
It’s important to check nutrition labels to be certain how much vitamin D (and other nutrients) your food actually has. Fortified foods don’t all contain the same amounts of vitamin D.
How Much Do You Need?
In a healthy person, the amount of vitamin D you need every day is going to depend on your age. Your needs will increase over time as your body ages and becomes less capable of making and utilizing the vitamin.
The following will give you general guidelines for recommended daily amounts (RDA) of vitamin D for each age range.
Remember, however, that your doctor may recommend higher levels if you have vitamin D deficiency or are at risk, especially if you have osteoporosis or other bone disorders. It’s important to talk with your doctor about your individual needs.
- Infants 0-6 months need 400 IU daily (no more than 1,000 IU a day)
- Infants 6-12 months need 400 IU daily (no more than 1,500 IU a day)
- Children 1-3 years old need 600 IU daily (no more than 2,500 IU a day)
- Children 4-8 years old need 600 IU daily (no more than 3,000 IU a day)
- Over 9 years old need 600 IU daily (no more than 4,000 IU a day)
- Over 70 years old need 800 IU daily (no more than 4,000 IU a day)
- Pregnant/Lactating women (14-50) need 600 IU daily (no more than 4,000 IU a day)
Notice the upper limits on these vitamin D amounts. Since vitamin D is fat-soluble, it can build up to toxic levels in your body.
This can cause some pretty serious side effects, so don’t go over the daily recommended amount without your doctor’s suggestion.
Diagnosis and Treatment
To start, your doctor will perform a blood level test to determine whether you are suffering from vitamin D deficiency.
This is a simple test that involves drawing blood from a vein in your arm. You don’t need to fast or prepare for this test, either.
The most common one is 25-hydroxyvitamin D or 25(OH)D.
This isn’t a test that is routinely ordered for a physical, so you need to discuss with your doctor whether you are at risk and need a vitamin D level test.
A blood level of 20 nanograms per milliliter (ng/ml) up to 50 ng/ml is considered to be an adequate level for most healthy people.
If your blood level is less than 12 to 20 ng/ml, you definitely have a vitamin D deficiency. Your doctor will then recommend a daily intake of vitamin D-rich food or a supplement as discussed in a previous chapter of this report.
A doctor can also prescribe vitamin D levels over the daily recommended amounts if you need them to get your blood levels back to normal.
While you might consider eating more vitamin D-rich foods like fish or beef liver or fortified milk products, most likely your doctor will recommend a supplement for you.
There are two types of vitamin D: D2 and D3.
The D3 type, also known as ergocalciferol, is found in some plants. D2, or cholecalciferol, is the type that comes from animals.
You’ll need a prescription for D2, but D3 is available over the counter at any pharmacy. Prescription vitamin D usually comes in 50,000 IU and is designed to take once or twice a week.
D3 is more easily absorbed than D2 and can last longer in your body than D3. Just make sure you follow your doctor’s recommendations and avoid getting too much vitamin D.
Also, keep in mind that while you can’t get too much Vitamin D from sunlight, if you overdo your supplements, you can get more than the daily recommended amount and cause some negative side effects like hypercalcemia (too much calcium in your blood), nausea, increased thirst and urination, constipation, and poor appetite.
In extreme cases, you might cause weakness and confusion, or even ataxia (a neurological condition that makes you slur your words and suffer from clumsiness).
If your doctor recommends more than the usual RDA, be on the lookout for these symptoms and let them know immediately if you have any of them.
Another thing to beware of is the amount of vitamin A you’re getting along with that vitamin D. Vitamin A can also build up in your body and cause toxic side effects
CBD stands for Cannabidiol. It’s one of over a hundred compounds produced in the resinous flowers of the cannabis plant.
The gooey resin is concentrated on the dense clusters of flowers (commonly called buds) of the plant. These are covered by tiny, mushroom-shaped structures known as trichomes.
These trichomes protect the plant from heat and UV radiation. They’re glandular, and create a treasure trove of medicinal compounds, including CBD, THC, and various aromatic terpenes.
The trichome oil also has antifungal, antibacterial, and insecticidal properties that repel pests and predators. The stickiness of the resin also helps by trapping insects.
And contrary to popular belief, CBD isn’t the compound that makes you feel “high” – that’s called tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). CBD is non-addictive, so you don’t need to worry about developing a “habit” from its use.
CBD oil comes from these resinous trichomes of the cannabis flower. However, there are many different strains or varietals of the plant, and the amount of CBD in the flowers depends on which strain you harvest.
Low-resin industrial hemp, which is legally defined as Cannabis with less than 0.03 percent THC by dry weight, has fewer trichomes (and thus, less oil) than high-resin strains do.
However, most high-resin strains nowadays are THC-dominant with little CBD. Therefore, it’s important to choose an appropriate CBD-rich Cannabis strain
Once you have a CBD-rich source, you then extract the oil. There are several ways to do this and each has its pros and cons.
The purpose of this extraction is to make the CBD and other beneficial components of the flower available in a highly concentrated form. Because the cannabinoids are naturally oily, separating the CBD from the plant material creates a thick, potent oil.
CBD is soluble in both oil and alcohol. Thus, the process of extraction usually uses a chemical that can dissolve an oil or alcohol-based compound. These chemicals include supercritical CO2, ethanol, hydrocarbons like butane, and common olive oil.
CO2 extraction is one of the safest methods, and it’s the one most commonly used commercially. Under high pressure and fluctuating temperature, CO2 becomes a liquid which can flush out the active ingredients of the plant matter.
This method is very effective because each compound in the oil can only be extracted by CO2 under very specific temperatures and pressures. This means you can fine-tune the process to extract pure CBD instead of a chemical stew.
Ethanol extraction has been used in many cultures for centuries. In 1854, the US Pharmacopeia recommended ethanol-based tinctures of “Indian hemp” to treat many ailments (including anxiety, depression, pain, and even muscle spasm).
Until 1937, when the Marijuana Tax Act was passed, these tinctures were commonly sold and used by the public, and in recent years, ethanol extraction has once again become popular.
Today, food-grade grain alcohol is used to create very potent, high-quality CBD-rich oil suitable for oral ingestion.
Hydrocarbon extraction (such as butane, hexane, or propane) has some major advantages as well as disadvantages compared to the other methods.
When done properly, this technique is very effective at separating cannabinoids and terpenes from unwanted plant components like chlorophyll.
However, the hydrocarbons are highly flammable. The potent concentrates of this extraction method, which are inhaled or “vaped,” can be very harmful to the user, especially if they have compromised immune systems.
Finally, olive oil extraction is simple and cheap – and you can do it at home if marijuana is legal in your area! Heat the plant matter in the oven. This will turn THCA into THC and CBDA into CBD. Steep the flowers and leaves in the olive oil.
Then sift, strain, and separate the oil from what’s left of the plant.
Note: This process doesn’t strain out the THC, so this product can produce a “high.” Cannabis-infused olive oil is perishable and should be stored in a dark, cool place so it doesn’t spoil.
We encourage our readers to seek out products made from the unfertilized flower tops of high-resin, CBD-rich cannabis, which is better suited for extracting medicinal oil than is low-resin fiber hemp, or industrial hemp grown for seed oil or protein.
Plant breeders have been creating high-resin cannabis varietals with CBD levels over ten percent, while keeping the THC under 0.3 percent.
If you live in a state where medical marijuana is legal, always buy your CBD from a licensed dispensary.
If you don’t live in such a state, you can still obtain CBD from the internet, but you must be far more careful.
There is no regulation of these products and you usually have no idea how much CBD you’re going to be getting. Further, many hemp-derived CBD products are mislabeled.
A study reported in the American Medical Association journal reported that, out of 85 products tested, 69 percent had an incorrect amount of CBD listed on the label.
Another survey found significant discrepancies among some of the leading hemp-derived CBD products.
They falsely claim full-spectrum CBD-rich oil is included in their products, but lab tests of several samples revealed that only a single cannabinoid (CBD) was present.
This indicates that the products are made with CBD-isolate rather than the more effective whole plant CBD-rich extract.
Another problem: some of the highly processed hemp products also contain toxic solvent residues, corn syrup, artificial colors and flavors, and other contaminants.
How can you tell which products are safe for use?
Consumer Reports suggests using products made in states where medicinal marijuana is legalized. Those tend to have stricter standards and regulations.
If you live in a “CBD-Only” state, choose CBD products made with American-grown hemp.
Choose full-spectrum, CBD-rich oil extracts instead of products labeled “pure CBD” or “no THC.”
Full spectrum means it contains several cannabis compounds, including a little THC. If THC is illegal in your state, look for “broad spectrum” CBD oil products that still contain other cannabinoids (but no THC).
Here are some things you should avoid when choosing a CBD product:
- Companies that make grandiose promises or explicit health claims. This is not allowed by the FDA.
- CBD hemp oil vape cartridges made with toxic thinning agents like propylene glycol or polyethylene glycol. Also, avoid flavoring agents and other toxic additives.
- Poor-quality CBD-infused gummies made with corn syrup and artificial colors.
- Brands that claim their CBD is extracted from the hemp seed and/or stalk. CBD is not found in hempseed and very little is found in the stalks.
Don’t be afraid to reach out and contact any CBD company you are considering purchasing through. Ask questions prior to making a decision to purchase to ensure you are properly informed.
Unfortunately, there are many myths and misconceptions surrounding the use of CBD. Let’s take a closer look at the most common ones.
Myth #1: CBD is medical, and THC is recreational.
In truth, THC has amazing medicinal properties as does CBD. Scientists at the Scripps Research Center in San Diego reported that “THC inhibits an enzyme implicated in the formation of amyloid beta plaque,” which is the type of plaque found in Alzheimer’s disease.
The FDA recognizes single-molecule THC (dronabinol, brand name Marinol) as an anti-nausea agent and appetite booster. They classify it only as a Class III drug, which is reserved for less-addictive substances.
Myth #2: CBD is most effective without THC.
In truth, CBD and THC work best together, just as the cannabis plant creates them.
Scientific studies have proven that THC and CBD act in tandem with each one enhancing the other’s therapeutic and natural healing effects.
Myth #3: CBD is not psychoactive.
CBD certainly isn’t an intoxicant, but it’s a mistake to label it non-psychoactive.
It does act as a powerful mood-altering compound, even though you don’t get “high” like you do from THC. It’s more accurate to say, “CBD isn’t as psychoactive as THC.”
Myth #4: Psychoactivity is always an adverse side effect.
Big Pharma is looking to synthesize medically active marijuana-like molecules that don’t make people “high.” So, to them, the “high” is an unwanted side effect.
In truth, the word euphoria literally means “having health” in Greek; it’s a state of well-being.
Dr. Tod Mikuriya, a psychiatrist and author of books such as the Marijuana Medical Papers says, “We should be thinking of cannabis as a medicine first.
One that happens to have some psychoactive properties, as many medicines do, rather than an intoxicant that happens to have a few therapeutic properties on the side.”
Myth #5: CBD is just like a sedative.
The truth is that very high doses of CBD may trigger a sleep-promoting effect (perfect for those suffering from insomnia), however moderate doses can actually be mildly energizing.
In other words, CBD doesn’t cause sedation, but it may help restore better sleeping patterns by helping your brain produce more melatonin throughout the night.
And since it also helps reduce anxiety, it can help improve the quality and duration of your sleep.
Myth #6: High doses of CBD work better than low doses.
CBD isolates do require higher does than whole plant CBD-rich oil extracts. That doesn’t mean the single-molecule version is better.
Reports suggest that a synergistic combination of CBD, THC, and other cannabis components can be more effective at lower doses.
Myth #7: CBD is converted to THC in your stomach.
There have been extensive clinical trials demonstrating that CBD, even at high doses, does not cause THC-like effects.
On the contrary, in the right amounts, CBD can lessen or neutralize the THC “high.”
CBD is available in many different forms, so before you choose which one is best suited for you, here’s a quick overview of currently available options.

@LittleIvan via Twenty20
Let’s take a closer look:
These are used for systemic treatment of conditions such as seizures or digestive issues. They are also ingested to help with a variety of other health problems, including acne, anorexia and even glaucoma.
Remember that you must allow enough time for the capsule to dissolve in your stomach and be distributed throughout your body by your blood stream.
When you swallow a capsule, it’s absorbed through your intestines and sent to the liver. It takes about an hour to feel the effects if you take it on an empty stomach, and up to three hours if you’ve eaten recently. This means don’t take more until after at least 3-4 hours have passed.
The psychoactive effects of a capsule subside after around six hours in the average person. Other effects may last up to twelve hours. This longer-acting effect makes capsules suitable for many chronic conditions.
Gummy Edibles
Like capsules, gummy edibles first must be digested and pass through the liver before they begin to take effect. Again, remember not to take more until at least three hours have passed.
Oral Spray
Many studies have shown that CBD, through oral spray specifically that has a combination of CBD and THC, have been proven to be a safe and effective way to reduce muscle spasticity in those suffering from multiple sclerosis.
Tinctures are made with a solvent like ethanol or sesame or olive oil. They’re applied into the mouth, or under the tongue. These doses are absorbed directly into the blood vessels in the mouth.
How it works: You spray or drop the liquid onto the skin in your mouth and wait at least 1-2 minutes for it to absorb before you swallow.
If you just swallow immediately, it’s going to take much longer to have an effect, like a capsule or edible does. It’s best not to eat or drink immediately before or after taking a tincture.
Tinctures take between 15 minutes to an hour to have full effect. They last anywhere between six to eight hours.
Tip: Always start with the lowest dose possible if you are new to CBD. 2.5 to 5.0 milligrams are a good starting dose for most people. Always pay close attention to the label so you’ll be certain exactly how much cannabinoid you’re getting per dose.
Inhaling CBD is the fastest way of administering the drug.
The chemicals are sent straight to the brain before they pass through the liver, so they take effect within seconds to minutes.
Most effects usually dissipate within two to three hours. The short onset and duration make this method good for acute problems like nausea.
The fast onset also allows patients to adjust their dose quickly. Even if you do get a “high,” it won’t last very long and you can adjust the next dose accordingly.
One thing to consider, however: vaping has been shown to be a dangerous habit and carries unique risks as they are often diluted with other substances such as MCT, oils and fats that are typically derived from natural sources like olive or coconut oil.
And while these oils are safe to eat, it hasn’t been proven whether they are safe to vape.
Creams, lotions, and gels
These topical products are rubbed onto the skin to provide quick pain relief for muscles and joints.
The CBD is not usually absorbed into the blood stream in any significant amount, so you don’t need to worry about getting “high” or causing side effects.
In this article we give you an easy to make recipe for Microwave CBD Oil Gummies
1 cup of juice or lemonade
2 tablespoons of corn syrup
4 1 ounce packets of unflavored gelatin
1 1⁄2 teaspoons of CBD oil in any strength
Required equipment
Microwave safe measuring jug
Baking sheet
Wire rack
Measuring cups and spoons
Spoon for stirring the mixture
Silicone gummy mold with about 30 to 50 cavities
To make your gummies you will need a silicone mold, ideally with 30 to 50 cavities. Here are 2 examples below
50 Holes Cavities Gummy Bears Molds
You then need to spray nonstick cooking spray inside of the mold and then place the mold onto a baking sheet.
Put 1 cup of juice or lemonade into a microwave safe measuring jug. Now add 2 tablespoons of corn syrup and 4 1 ounce packets of unflavored gelatin.
Using a spoon stir the gelatin and corn syrup into the liquid. The powdered gelatin will appear to hydrate, but it won’t dissolve completely. Put the liquid into the microwave and heat the gummy liquid on full power for another 30 seconds. Stir the mixture well and microwave it for another 30 seconds.
Then, stir the mixture again to help the gelatin dissolve completely. If you still see any gelatin in the liquid, microwave the mixture for another 30 seconds and stir it again.
Safely remove the jug using oven gloves to safely remove the jug from the microwave. Leave the gummy mixture to cool for at least 20 minutes so it begins to thicken a little and look like gel. Do not stir the gummy mixture as it sets.
You can use any strength of CBD oil. If you want mild-strength CBD gummies, I recommend that you use a 50mg CBD oil. If you want stronger CBD gummies use a 5,000mg CBD oil. Stir well to mix the oil into the liquid thoroughly.
This recipe should create about 30 gummies that each have between 5 to 10 drops of CBD oil in them on average. Slowly pour the liquid into each cavity of the gummy mold. You should try and fill each cavity to the top.
Place the baking sheet with the mold into the refrigerator and chill the gummies until they are firm. Check them gummies after about 30 minutes to see if they are completely set.
To remove the gummies, peel the mold back and away from the gummies. Keep peeling the mold back so all of the gummies fall out.
Store your CBD gummies in an airtight container in the refrigerator and use them within 1 week – shouldn’t be a problem
Before I start I have to say that there has been very little CBD research, I recommend looking for verified medical sources and avoiding mainstream media sources which tend to have a bias in this area. I am also not a Doctor or have any medical experience, I have taken CBD oil and have had my own experiences which I will speak about in future articles

@LittleIvan via Twenty20
The following is a listing of the benefits of CBD that I have managed find from research
Arthritis Pain
CBD was discovered that it may be a safe and useful therapeutic for treating osteoarthritis and joint neuropathic pain.
There have been studies that have shown that a single dose of CBD induced antidepressant-like effects in mice. Hopefully this will be replicated in humans as well but testing will be required.
CBD can also be used to help treat chronic stress and social anxiety disorder, and has even shown to help with stress associated with public speaking.
CBD has been shown to regulate inflammatory responses by regulating the production of cytokines.
Blood Pressure
Cannabinoids are known to regulate various cardiovascular functions which include heart rate, vascular tone, and blood pressure.
Cannabinoids have been shown to have anti-tumor progression properties. They have shown promise in treating several cancer types, including leukemia, brain, endometrial, breast and prostate cancer.
CBD has been showing promise in the treatments of diabetes and lipid metabolism when combined with nonpsychoactive phytocannabinoids. It has shown to reduce the incidence of diabetes by over 50%
CBD has shown significant antidepressant-like effects. It does this by increasing the production of serotonin, this in turn can help alleviate depression.
Energy Balance
There has been some evidence found that our body’s endocannabinoid system can help to control our emotional states.
CBD has been shown as a very promising candidate for the treatment of drug-resistant epilepsies.
Cannabinoids have exhibited significant potential to be used as anti-inflammatory agents.
Memory Function
A study which was aimed towards Alzheimer’s showed that CBD may actually help to boost memory.
Multiple Sclerosis
CBD has shown a significant reduction in clinical scores of paralysis and decreased T cell infiltration in the central nervous system.
CBD interacts with the serotonin releasing receptors in our brains, this in turn can help manage chronic nausea.
Pain Relief
CBD Oil can help with chronic pain by decreasing the inflammation. Also, the study showed that people using CBD were very unlikely to build up a tolerance to the effects of CBD unlike other drugs.
Cannabinoids have been shown to be useful in reducing post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms by disrupting fear memory reconsolidation.
Studies have suggested that CBD can help people with schizophrenia and other similar mental disorders.
CBD has been shown to prevent the effects of stress. The CB1 receptor signaling provides resilience against the development of stress-related pathologies.
Sleep Disorder
There is research that suggests CBD may have potential for the treatment of insomnia.
Substance Abuse and Dependence
CBD has been shown to help drug addiction by modifying your brain circuitry. It has also been shown to reduce drug-seeking behavior.
As stated at the beginning a lot more research is required and some of the benefits above may turn out to be untrue and by the same token there may be other benefits.
What is important is that the studies need to be done for this potentially extremely positive compound.
There is a very unfortunate, and untrue, stigma which still surrounds CBD related products.
This actual stems from a long campaign against Cannabis starting from the early 20th century led to the effective criminalization of cannabis in 1937 – now there are various reasons for this and if you have time I wholeheartedly recommend reading up, as it was very politically driven at the time. This trend continued and even got worse until Charlotte Figi came into spotlight.

@LittleIvan via Twenty20
Charlotte Figi’s story
Charlotte was 3 months old when she sadly had her first seizure, by the time she was 5 she was having ~300 seizures a week. The Doctor’s gave up, thinking that there was nothing that they could do but thankfully her parents did not.
They continued to search and press for medical cannabis having heard that it may be of benefit and help their daughter. On this journey they discovered the Stanley brothers, who produced high CBD and low THC strains of cannabis, though this was not in demand at the time.
Once the CBD Oil regime was started Charlotte began to improve and her seizures were limited to 2 to 3 a MONTH. This particular strain then became known as “Charlotte’s Web” and this might be thought of as a turning point of the sentiment toward cannabis.
What Is Cannabidiol?
Cannabidiol is an organic chemical found in cannabis plants, including the hemp plant. There are over one hundred cannabinoids found within the cannabis plant. The most commonly known and looked down upon compound is known as tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), this is the compound which contains psychoactive properties.
While one of the lesser known compounds, which as you may have guessed is CBD, is non-psychoactive, making it a prime candidate for medicinal benefits without the mind-altering side effects.
Cannabis containing 0.3% or less of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is classified as hemp, while that containing over 0.3% of THC is classified as marijuana.
Is CBD Legal?
The short answer is, yes but there are quite a few grey areas still.
The often confusing legal status of CBD largely stems from the lack of congruity between the quickly changing federal and state laws, along with the status of medical marijuana and recreational marijuana, and continuous misinformation and lack of clarity in the complex law between the hemp plant and marijuana.
Hemp Made Legal…
The US Congress passed the Agriculture Improvement Act of 2018 (“Farm Bill”), which was then signed into law at the end of the year. The Farm Bill removed hemp from the Controlled Substances Act, expanding commercial cultivation practices, and legalizing the production of hemp on Indian tribal land and in U.S. territories.
Regulations regarding hemp now are under the charge of the USDA (United States Department of Agriculture) instead of the Drug Enforcement Administration. Given that hemp is now legal, most presume compounds extracted from it are legal as well. However, regulations do not necessarily provide legal status to hemp extracts.
As with most new laws in the United States, the structure and publication of laws surrounding CBD derived from Hemp are still yet not fully complete but hopefully are moving in the right direction.
Now add to the fact that various US states can have their own set of legislation that do not always conform to federal standards and vice versa, we are left with a plethora of varying and often unclear rules, but one thing is clear is the following:
At the federal level buying CBD, with THC content of less than 0.3% that is derived from the hemp plant, is currently legal.