CBD is available in many different forms, so before you choose which one is best suited for you, here’s a quick overview of currently available options.

@LittleIvan via Twenty20
Let’s take a closer look:
These are used for systemic treatment of conditions such as seizures or digestive issues. They are also ingested to help with a variety of other health problems, including acne, anorexia and even glaucoma.
Remember that you must allow enough time for the capsule to dissolve in your stomach and be distributed throughout your body by your blood stream.
When you swallow a capsule, it’s absorbed through your intestines and sent to the liver. It takes about an hour to feel the effects if you take it on an empty stomach, and up to three hours if you’ve eaten recently. This means don’t take more until after at least 3-4 hours have passed.
The psychoactive effects of a capsule subside after around six hours in the average person. Other effects may last up to twelve hours. This longer-acting effect makes capsules suitable for many chronic conditions.
Gummy Edibles
Like capsules, gummy edibles first must be digested and pass through the liver before they begin to take effect. Again, remember not to take more until at least three hours have passed.
Oral Spray
Many studies have shown that CBD, through oral spray specifically that has a combination of CBD and THC, have been proven to be a safe and effective way to reduce muscle spasticity in those suffering from multiple sclerosis.
Tinctures are made with a solvent like ethanol or sesame or olive oil. They’re applied into the mouth, or under the tongue. These doses are absorbed directly into the blood vessels in the mouth.
How it works: You spray or drop the liquid onto the skin in your mouth and wait at least 1-2 minutes for it to absorb before you swallow.
If you just swallow immediately, it’s going to take much longer to have an effect, like a capsule or edible does. It’s best not to eat or drink immediately before or after taking a tincture.
Tinctures take between 15 minutes to an hour to have full effect. They last anywhere between six to eight hours.
Tip: Always start with the lowest dose possible if you are new to CBD. 2.5 to 5.0 milligrams are a good starting dose for most people. Always pay close attention to the label so you’ll be certain exactly how much cannabinoid you’re getting per dose.
Inhaling CBD is the fastest way of administering the drug.
The chemicals are sent straight to the brain before they pass through the liver, so they take effect within seconds to minutes.
Most effects usually dissipate within two to three hours. The short onset and duration make this method good for acute problems like nausea.
The fast onset also allows patients to adjust their dose quickly. Even if you do get a “high,” it won’t last very long and you can adjust the next dose accordingly.
One thing to consider, however: vaping has been shown to be a dangerous habit and carries unique risks as they are often diluted with other substances such as MCT, oils and fats that are typically derived from natural sources like olive or coconut oil.
And while these oils are safe to eat, it hasn’t been proven whether they are safe to vape.
Creams, lotions, and gels
These topical products are rubbed onto the skin to provide quick pain relief for muscles and joints.
The CBD is not usually absorbed into the blood stream in any significant amount, so you don’t need to worry about getting “high” or causing side effects.