Some people feel self conscious when they work out at a gym–or simply do not enjoy running, walking or bicycling in their neighborhoods. If you would prefer to exercise in the comfort of your own home and not have an audience, then a weight loss video is for you.
In choosing a weight loss video that is appropriate for you, consider how much weight you need to lose, how many pounds you want to lose per week, and how much time you have to devote to exercise. Be realistic and honest with yourself!
You then need to choose the weight loss video or DVD that is right for you. Be aware that there are plenty of videos that say that they are suitable for beginners when in fact they are too complicated. If you are not a beginner, then the search for the right video is simple, but if you aren’t, then it can be more difficult.
Of course, you will need to do your research. One option is to check fitness websites to find out what their recommendations are for novices. Another option is to read reviews in a variety of fitness magazines.
Fitness magazines are a wealth of information. Read the reviews from fitness pros. These individuals know what they are talking about. They review workouts on a regular basis and assess them based on their level of safety and also based on skill levels.
The Internet also has lots of reviews on weight loss videos for you to peruse. Search around to read as many reviews as possible. Did the people who used the videos love it or not? Did they lose weight or not? How much weight did they lose? How long did it take for them to lose the weight?
The longer customer reviews are, the more beneficial they will be to you. Be aware however that not every review may be 100% accurate. The more you read the better all around idea you will get about the videos or DVDs in question.
It is extremely important that you are honest about your present fitness and skill level. If you have been living a sedentary life for quite some time, then you run the risk of hurting yourself if you jump right into working out to an advanced video.
On the other hand, do not assume that because you are skilled at one form of exercise that this automatically means that you will be skilled at another. For example, just because you have been running for many years does not mean that you will be as equally proficient at aerobics or yoga.
It is always best to start with an introductory video that matches where you are in your fitness level today. It is also wise to heed the warnings that all weight loss videos mention on the book and at the start of the video. The guideline states “Check with your doctor before beginning this or any other exercise program.” Being safe is always better than being sorry.
Even if you are a healthy person this is important advice! Those who have a history of health problems or conditions such as high blood pressure or diabetics; should never start to work out to a weight loss video before checking with their doctor first.
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